Sezione di BARI

AIDIA aims to publicize the work of female professionals and promotes the creation of a national and international network of relationships to encourage the comparison of ideas and experiences with the aim of improving technical skills and making qualitative contributions to society.



On January 26, 1957, the AIDIA association was born.

Its history is that of its members, extraordinary women outside the box, who have been able to be protagonists of their times, fostering the affirmation of cultural freedoms and freedom of action so important for women today.



AIDIA organizes activities of technical updating and cultural deepening and collaborates nationally and internationally with Institutions, Professional Orders, Trade Associations and Unions, Universities, and Cultural Bodies to enhance the work of Women in Engineering and Architecture.



The Association is active nationwide and is divided into several Sections. Each contributes to building a network among professionals in the field in order to support initiatives of common interest and promote the growth of skills in the professional and social fields.



The Bari Section was officially formed on March 27, 2007, embracing the purposes and values of the National Association. Today we pursue the goal of fostering cultural and professional exchanges, particularly enhancing the role of women in the field of Architecture and Engineering. We promote initiatives aimed at updating, study and research, collaborating with similar associations, organizations, institutions and the entire civil society in the technical, business and social sectors. The Section’s prevailing activity is aimed at organizing seminars and conferences in collaboration with territorial institutions and professional associations, including those with educational credits.


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